Saturday, October 24, 2009

Avids page about Media Composer v.4

Avid have made a great page where they have collected a lot of information, great videos about the Media Composer v.4.
Take a look at the page here: Media Composer v.4


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What´s new in Media Composer v.4

There are many new things in Media Composer v. 4 her are some of them:

Easier number entry on laptops.

Hit the Control key twice and you can use the number rows, this is perfect if you are working on a laptop

16 tracks in the audio mixer
This is great, now you can see all the tracks you can play, that was about time :-)

Transition Preservation.

There are 3 new things when working in the timeline:
⁃ When moving clips around in segment mode you keep you dissolves.
⁃ You can edit from one segment to another, and now you can do it even with a dissolve involved (before you got and error message).

Auto-cropping in the stabilize effect

Now it is automaticly, before you need to teel the effect to do it.

To reattahch a dissolve
you can drag the edge of a clip over the dissolve.

Control the multi Cam from the numeric key pad.
This is more intuitive to do.

Mix and Match
This makes it possible to mix different frame rates in the timeline, this works great!


Monday, October 12, 2009

New User Group Meeting

Monday the 19 of October we will have our next meeting in the Danish Avid User Group, Tom from Avid will tell about the new things happend to Media Composer v. 4.0
You can read more about it here: The Danish Avid User Group


Friday, October 2, 2009

First look at the new Media Composer v. 4

On I found a vidoe about the new Media Composer v.4, you can see it here:
